Jul 27, 2018

A party between London's boobs leads to a happy ending

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A party between London’s boobs leads to a happy ending

June 27th, 2018


London Andrews is unlike any other model to ever visit SCORE. I’ve known a lot of dancer-models who traveled from club to club throughout the year but never anyone who drove from city to city, town to town, state to state, posing for photographers ranging from professionals to private amateurs. That’s what London does. This amazes me.

This wanderlust is very unusual, especially for a woman. But London is a very unusual woman. She has probably logged hundreds of thousands of miles on America’s highways and back roads since 2007. This takes courage and a great deal of optimism and faith.

London has lived this nomadic, Bohemian lifestyle for years, constantly sleeping in different beds, visiting different towns and villages, dealing with life on the road, meeting an endless flow of people as she accepts different photo-modeling jobs. She lives in an underground world of modeling that most people don’t know about.

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